Press Quotes
"It is fair to say that other bands with Kerley and Carstairs at the heart have criminally gone undervalued bordering on unnoticed by major attention and success. Thankfully making music which leaves a lasting imprint on body and imagination through creative originality and adventure is a passion, a vocation for the pair at the heart of Zedi Forder, so we get to feast on their alchemy once again and so should you, it would be rude not to go off and discover its majesty, wouldn’t it?" - Ringmaster
"Meet Zedi Forder, a band that will have you hooked with one listen of this 4-track EP! Ross Welford (Uberrock)
“I am totally sold on this! ... Somehow, Zedi Forder have the musical capabilities of performing really intricate brain surgery one minute & then, without drawing breath, destroying the Hoover dam the next! - The Count
"This album is full of really interesting and quirky guitar lines that add signature moments to the music”– Hellbound.ca
"Things must improve, evolution must do its work, and so on, new names can appear, as the English trio ZEDI FORDER” – Metal-temple.com
What a great band. Honestly, just when I thought alternative metal was dead, along comes Zedi Forder, with more great riffs and songs than you can shake a trident at. - Phil King (Audiofuzz)
"Now that is a band who knows how to make a hook-laden song!" - Melita Dennett, BBC
"What a great band. Honestly, just when I thought alternative metal was dead, along comes Zedi Forder, with more great riffs and songs than you can shake a trident at" - Audiofuzz.com
"I spat at Zedi Forder once but the gravity and awesomeness of the bands sound was so large that the spittle revolved all the way around them and struck me in the face" - Anon
"Great stuff" -- ro - darkcompass
"That is a cracking, You'll definitely hear more from these guys" --
Steve Harris, totalrock radio
"They have musically stood outside of the crowd and too often the richness of attention deserved but with a so what defiance which fuels their invention, power, and imagination" -- Ringmaster Review
"The twelve songs on Isolation manage to drip with accessibility and throw out metallic shards at the same time, which is not easy to do. Drummer/singer/writer Chris Kerley has a knack for writing the catchiest vocal melodies, and deserves far more accolades for his songwriting chops"
-- Angrymetalguy.com
“Superium - The sledgehammer to Zedi Forder’s scalpel; two sides of the same coin,” this openly unique alter-ego is a far fiercer trespass on the senses and imagination, a fury of sound and thought which soon proved just as striking and compelling as its counterpart"
-- Ringmaster
“Superium - If you ignored these guys three years ago, don’t make the same mistake again"
-- Angrymetalguy.com